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        The Philadelphia Zoo is a leader in animal care, exhibition and breeding and participates in conservation programs around the world to safeguard wild animal populations and their habitats. Their mission is to continue day-to-day and year-to-year to advance discoveries, by understanding and stewardship of the natural world.​ By making a donation, you are known as a honored supporter of the Philadelphia Zoo. You distinguish yourself as a concerned citizen for the welfare of the natural world, and you ensure that your Zoo will continue to grow and serve our community for the benefit of generations to come.

         The Humane Society of the United States is the nation’s largest animal protection organization. It was rated the most effective by its peers. Since 1954, The HSUS has been fighting for the protection of all animals through advocacy, education, and hands-on programs. "We confront national and global cruelties through major campaigns targeting the barbaric practices of dogfighting and cockfighting; abusive puppy mills where dogs are treated not like family but like production machines; the worst cruelties of factory farming in modern agribusiness such as confinement of animals in crates and cages; inhumane and unsporting hunting practices such as "canned hunts" of captive exotic animals; the suffering of animals in experimentation, including chimpanzees and pets; the slaughter of American horses for export to foreign countries where horsemeat is considered a delicacy; and the clubbing of baby seals and other animals for the commercial fur trade."



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