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Primary Sources

This source is about internationals and policies that protect animal welfare and how these laws are enforced. These laws are a combination are agreements made by organizations that work with the international fund for animal welfare. Decisions made at international conventions usually influence wildlife conservation and animal welfare as they guide international and national policy, legislation and budgetary priorities. My main goal for this project is to investigate certain companies and how they influence the extinction of species all over the world. In addition, I am going to be providing simple ways to reduce your affect on animals by saving energy and water. This source also has informative articles regarding certain species and the issues that affect their life.

This source explains how renewable energy is important for a more sustainable environment. It also highlights how accessible renewable energy is and cost efficient.

Secondary Sources


This source was very useful because it thoroughly explains how Indonesia is working towards wildlife conservation especially with the crisis that is affecting orangutans. With a growing population, it is important that Indonesia makes as change as soon as possible in order to better these species lives. The Wildlife Conservation Society has worked continuously in Indonesia since 1995 and this shows how other countries can get involved with preserving wildlife and their habitats. Since I am not focusing on one species it is imperative that I receive a wide range of issues affecting certain species and how that relates to globalization.


Similarly to the WCS source, this source investigates the Palm Oil crisis specifically the illegal trading aspect. For example, in Indonesia the villagers are taking orangutans and selling them for profit. There are laws against trading orangutans since they are endangered species, however due to the fact that these laws are not enforced the villagers refuse to abide by them. This source is relevant to my project because it demonstrates other aspects to the palm oil crisis rather than destruction to orangutans’ habitats.


This source explains how saving energy can save wildlife which is one of my main focus points for this project. I want to encourage others to change their daily habits in order to save endangered species. Along with saving energy, I am going to be explaining how saving water relates to saving wildlife.


This source is very useful for my project because it provides simple tips for conserving water and relates these tips to saving wildlife. Additionally, I am able to understand how big my “water footprint” is. This shows my audience the real life application this issue has


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